Private Session in English
Re-member who you are
A voice coming from somewhere.
It is calling me from deep in my heart.
I have always wanted to see you.
I have always wanted to hear you.
A journey to meet myself.
・Aura Soma
・NVC (empathic communication)
・Sacred Vows
・Family Constellations
Lyra's private sessions are richly infused with these wisdoms.
What all of these wisdomes have in common is
Remembering who you are as you are,
and build the power to live with that self by yourself.
Connect to your life, and nurture the strength to create your life.
Why don't you join me on such a journey?
What is Aura-Soma?
Aura-Soma is a color care system that originated in England in 1983.
The heart of this system are the Equilibrium bottles, which contains colour, plant and crystal energies that help you become the very best version of yourself. It also carries the wisdom from Kabbalah, numerology, astrology, herbs, crystals, and more.
As the saying goes, “Birds of a feather flock together”, we are attracted to the bottles that have the same frequency (color) as our own.
By deeply sitting and exploring the bottle, we can remember our true nature, talents, and wishes. The beauty of Aura-soma is that it respects both aspect, consciousness and unconsciousness, the sprit world and the material world, so it will help you to be grounded, and shift your life in reality.
To learn more about Aura-Soma, please check this page, which is in Japanese but I believe it is easy to get translated through google translation, DeepL etc...
Where to get Lyra's private session?
I have just started offering session in English, so it will be a trail style for a while.
Deep Healing Session @Hikalino (Wailuku singon mission) by appointment.
in Japanese 90min $150
in English 60min $80 (limited price)
Apply from here.
You also can get mini session at Wailuku Community Farmers Market.
Check here to see the dates and time.